Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rosal Benedette

I've been telling people not to call me with my real name. I feel awkward when I hear them calling me with that. It seems that they're bullying or playing something irritating with my name. I don't know, I don't even dislike my name it's just --- I don't like someone playing with that precious name. I know you're now wondering how did it become precious, because even I, just found out that it's really precious.

I am Rosal Benedette. Rosal came from my mother and father's names, ROSemarie and ALfredo, and not from the Rosal flower. Benedette, as my mother said, is meaningful. She said that the name was from Rose Benedette which is a flower that signifies a saint or something related to a saint. I forgot the whole story and the saint's name, sorry. The flower is plainly Rose and the benedette after is an Italian word for "blessed". Of course I was grateful about what I had discovered and I just realized that if Rose Benedette means a Blessed Rose, then Rosal Benedette is defined as Blessed Rosal. 

I know I am blessed all my life. I know that God is with me all the time, especially when I need Him by my side, for advice, for genuine help, and for His great love. I know He does everything for my own benefit, for my own stand in this world. He does all these challenges for my better aspect, for improvement. He gives me all my loved ones not only my family, my friends, but all those people who inspires me. I'm really thankful that I knew Him more through my friends which are as well, my inspirations. 
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                                     -Philippians 4:13
NOTE. The Italian word benedette is pronounced differently from my name.

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